About our blog

This blog began as an attempt to keep our family and friends included in the adventures of little Baby Blakely until he made his appearance in the world. Now, this has become a gathering place for all of our various adventures as we continue to enjoy time as a growing family.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Water, water everywhere!

This morning was rough. The soggy weather outside meant that none of us wanted to get up and going this morning. Our little boy slept until almost 7 (practically unheard of!) and the pup was content to doze in the middle of our floor a bit longer than usual. Thankfully, this meant we were running way behind and discovered the leak in our ceiling!

Yup, that's right. We've sprung a leak. We had known there was a water issue in that area due to some dark spots mysteriously appearing but we were procrastinating on calling a roofer. Every time we talked about it we just saw dollar signs floating away. Since we've been so hyper focused on repaying our student loan debt, the prospect of an expensive home repair lulled us into inaction.

Thankfully, we were running behind today. I stepped out of our room one second and the den was dry. I grabbed my tie and returned to get my bag together and suddenly we had a puddle. Had we been up and out the door on time, we'd be returning home this evening to a SUPER flood. I guess we'll be calling someone now...

Lyndsie holding the pots that are currently catching our drips. Note the look of dejected resignation to the fact that we will be spending lots of money in the near future.

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