Thanks for being patient with us as we worked through August and the business that comes along with it. Now back to our regularly scheduled program: gushing about our little one!
A few months ago we went to Disney World
for the first time with him and Noah fell in love with
Mickey Mouse
. Since then, he's slept with Mickey Mouse in his arms just about every single night. Of course, his speaking isn't always the strongest just yet so he calls Mickey Mouse "bee bow." Every night we have to track down "bee bow" for night night.
In addition to the rest of August craziness, we had our little baby boy's second birthday party. We decided to keep this year's party a bit smaller than last years'. We were happy to celebrate with family and close friends in a wonderful bee bow party!
We timed the event to occur at the end of BB's nap time so he would wake up refreshed and ready to go. This meant that everyone who came through the door prior to nap time being over got the riot act about staying quiet. Somehow despite a full house of family helping prep for the party, Noah got a good long nap in! We finally had to wake him up from the nap to get to the bee bow party fun.
It was a wonderful time and Noah had a blast. He got to run around, enjoy some yummy snacks (recipes forthcoming!), and show off his Mickey Mouse things to the family. He was one happy 2 year old that day!
Sorry for the blur but it was a flurry of activity getting ready for the party. |
Ms. Lisa came to visit and help with the prep! We are so blessed to have great friends and family. |
Some of the decorations prior to getting everything up. |
Yummy cupcakes about to go in the oven! |
The birthday boy with his awesome birthday shirt! |
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