About our blog

This blog began as an attempt to keep our family and friends included in the adventures of little Baby Blakely until he made his appearance in the world. Now, this has become a gathering place for all of our various adventures as we continue to enjoy time as a growing family.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Noah's First Haircut

Well, it was time.  The baby mullet had gotten out of hand.  As much as I adore those blonde curls, the sweaty mess of hair that was coming home from daycare every day needed to be taken care of.

A Great Escape Spalon in Farmville is fantastic! It's where I get my hair cut as well. All the folks there are great, do an amazing job and it's affordable! As you can see, Noah got to sit on the horse chair for his big boy haircut! He was thrilled.

He even got to wear a fun cape...even more exciting! (Oh look at that sweaty mess of blonde hair!)

Noah did such a great job! Other than trying to keep his head still because he was busy looking at everything around the salon, he was perfect.  Never cried or wanted to get down, just kept saying "I ride horsey" and "brush hair".  

The curl!

My two handsome boys!

I'm pretty sure this haircut aged him a year! Goodness gracious where did my baby go? Look at this handsome little boy!  I can't believe he will be TWO in just a little over two weeks.  


  1. *tears* He does look like such a big boy!

    I'm amazed y'all were able to wait until he was nearly 2 before having to cut his hair!! Everett's got almost enough for a ponytail now!

    1. Well for the longest time he was a bald baby! I wasn't sure he would ever have hair!
