It seems Noah is afraid of the dark...sort of. He picks and chooses which nights the dark bothers him. He picked and chose last night. We thought it was going to be an easy night when we put him to bed and then he wanted a special pillow. Back to bed he went after that.
Then he wanted to have the light on. Back to bed he went.
Then he began crying and screaming. After momma cuddles, back to bed he went.
Then he began crying and screaming louder. Time for daddy cuddles. We laid in bed together and talked until he fell asleep. It was really sweet. After chores, back to (his) bed he went.
Then he began crying out "daddy!" over and over and over and over get it. Back to bed he went after a brief visit from daddy.
Then he began screaming. Momma put him back to bed again.
Then he lost it. Yup, just plain lost it. For half a second, the Mrs. and I thought about burying our heads further into the pillows in the hopes that it was a bad dream. Nope, it wasn't. Lyndsie ended up on the couch with him which FINALLY got him to settle. Getting to the couch only took most of the night with the back and forths.
This morning, BB woke up bright eyed and bushy-tailed. He was practically excited to face the day. Mommy and daddy, however, are zombies. It was like the Walking Dead around the house this morning.
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