About our blog

This blog began as an attempt to keep our family and friends included in the adventures of little Baby Blakely until he made his appearance in the world. Now, this has become a gathering place for all of our various adventures as we continue to enjoy time as a growing family.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I got kicked out of my house yesterday

So, as I've mentioned before, Lyndsie is away at a mission camp with the FUMC youth. It is sounding like a fantastic experience for them! Folks who have been with the blog for a while know that I also suffer from a ton little anxiety. Well yesterday morning it all came to a head and my mom kicked me out of the house for the afternoon.

I found myself holding a whining, tired Noah and cooking a grilled cheese while quietly crying (me, not Noah...he was quite loud). I got overwhelmed and I just couldn't overcome the emotional toil of a needy child and a house full of people being helpful. This introvert couldn't take any more extroverted time. So, when Noah went down for a nap, I went out for a movie.

The movie ended up lasting a LONG time. I had no idea Transformers would be that long of a film! It was enjoyable in a totally not-thinking sort of way. The big popcorn and soda helped. After the movie I went to Lowes for a surprise project at home (more on that after Lynds gets back) and then hung out at Starbucks working on a talk I have coming up in August. I rounded the afternoon/evening off with a haircut and dinner at my favorite restaurant. Dinner alone? Yup, it was glorious.

Daddy's back in business thanks to a brief step away. I've come to the conclusion that although "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me", it sure helps to have Lyndsie as my partner in crime. I (we) really miss her.

Here's some photos from the last couple of days:

Uncle Nate and Noah at Aunt Rachel's AWESOME apartment. We had a wonderful dinner at her swanky place. You wouldn't normally associate cool and trendy with Farmville, VA but she found it!

This special visitor showed up in our yard during the morning walk to add some extra excitement to Daddy's meltdown. I've convinced myself that he's moved on about his way and doesn't want to spend time in our yard with a dog. Please don't tell me otherwise.

Noah enjoying some Cheerios while Grandma works on some laundry. It's great to have some extra hands around the place to manage these sorts of things!

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