About our blog

This blog began as an attempt to keep our family and friends included in the adventures of little Baby Blakely until he made his appearance in the world. Now, this has become a gathering place for all of our various adventures as we continue to enjoy time as a growing family.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Get low!

Baby Blakely decided to get low this past Friday!  I went into work and various people throughout the day said..."Oh my, that baby has dropped!"  BB has officially moved her/his way down into my pelvis which results in fun little sharp pains every now and then as BB's head jams into my nerves and bones.  But, it's also a great sign of progress and lets me know the end is in sight!

Just this past week I've started feeling like I am done with being pregnant.  Thankfully I'm still mobile (though limited), but I am just uncomfortable.  It has been very difficult to sleep at night resulting in feeling exhausted a majority of the time.  The pool has been a lifesaver, but it's always depressing getting out of the water and remembering how much more difficult it is to walk on land right now than to float in water.  I've been walking a mile in the mornings which is helping with swelling, keeping me healthy, and will soon help with progressing labor.  I think I am just ready to meet our precious baby and feel more comfortable in my own skin again.

Last weekend we traveled to northern Virginia for our friends', Lisa and Matt's, wedding.  That was our last out of town trip before baby gets here!  So, yesterday Josh took the car up to the car wash and cleaned it inside and out!  Then we installed the car seat base in the back seat so everything is ready to bring home BB.  It makes it very real seeing that car seat in the back seat every time we get in the car now.

This morning we had another doctor's appointment.  My blood pressure was great which continues to be a good sign with my swelling.  In fact, everything checked out great!  They did a strep B test on me.  Dr. Lucas said about 20% of women are carriers but display no symptoms.  The problem is that it can pass to the baby during birth.  So if it ends up that I am a carrier, I will have to be on antibiotics during labor to ensure baby doesn't get sick.  I should find out the results at next week's appointment.  Yes, that is correct...our appointments are every week now!  Wednesday is the 36 week mark meaning only 4 weeks left until BB's due date.  It is exactly one month from today.  Dr. Lucas asked me if I have been having contractions.  I said no.  He asked me if I ever feel like baby is moving and knotting up in a ball or pushing down.  I said, "Yes!  I feel that about every night now."  To which Dr. Lucas said, "well those are contractions!"  Who knew!  I knew that braxton hicks contractions didn't hurt, but I didn't think they would just feel like baby is moving.  Today's appointment marked another new routine...internal exams.  And, come to find out, I am already 1 centimeter dilated.  Wow!  Now for those of you who that means nothing, you have to get to 10 centimeters before birth happens.  So, 1cm isn't much, but it's a start which means I'm technically in pre-labor.  I can easily stay at 1cm for the next 4 weeks, though, so don't get too excited.  Dr. Lucas is very happy with BB's current position.  BB's head is nice and low which is making my waddle even more pronounced and making my trips to the bathroom even more frequent.  So, as far as things look today, he expects us to still be right around our due date.  That could change any time, of course, but everything is right on schedule currently.

In other news, our amazing church is throwing us a baby shower on August 12th.  I have been overwhelmed with all the love and support we have already received from our church family.  So many people are consistently checking in with us to make sure everything is going well.  We've even had several people let us know that they are happy to help in any way we need them once BB is here!  I am so blessed to have the church staff and many volunteers who are stepping up to help cover my job responsibilities while I am away on maternity leave.  Everyone seems just as excited as us to meet this new addition to the family.  We can't wait to celebrate with everyone on the 12th and eventually to introduce Baby Blakely to his/her church family later in the month!

Infant to 3 month baby clothes are washed.
Some prefold cloth diapers are washed and prepped.
Nursery is set up.
Car seat base is installed.
Books have been read.
Breastfeeding and newborn care class has been taken.

Hospital bag is about 1/2 packed (hoping to finish that today).
Blankets for BB need to be washed.
Curtain for nursery needs to be made.
Josh and I need to finish reading The Birth Partner

What's missing?  Oh yes: baby needs to be born!

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