This week we returned to the doctor for a check-up. BB's mom has been having sinus issues so she hasn't been feeling well. We were hoping the doctor would be able to give her some stronger medicine to knock out the sinus issues and prevent further sickness while making sure BB was still doing well.
The doctor's office was not very crowded which was very exciting. There's nothing worse than feeling like you are being rushed through when you have important medical questions. The doctor immediately decided that Mommy needed an antibiotic for the sinus infection and impending ear infection. Fortunately, it turns out pregnant women can take certain antibiotics without issue so we excitedly snatched up the offer of a prescription. Now on to the good part: baby talk!
Our doctor lady pulled out a handheld unit to listen for the heartbeat and proceeded to freak us out completely by not being able to find the little sucker. She reassured us that she had heard the heartbeat briefly but just couldn't find it again. Since the office was practically empty, she decided to skip the harder handheld machine and go for the big guns. Off we went to the sonogram machine room for another sneak peak at BB.
Turns out she found the little one right away and everything looked good. Not only is the baby developing wonderfully, mama's progressing nicely too. Turns out there is a sufficient amount of fluid around BB (who knew this was important!). It was amazing to see some of the details of our little one starting to come together. We could clearly identify the head, hands, and wiggly feet. Although mama couldn't feel anything, BB was wiggling all over the place while we watched.
At our last visit we got to see a sonogram image of BB but the little one was just a circle. Now, BB actually looks pretty human and we couldn't make out the vestigial tail that supposedly will disappear in the coming weeks. It's all becoming so real!
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