The Blakely family's adventures in parenting, family, and navigating this thing called life.
About our blog
This blog began as an attempt to keep our family and friends included in the adventures of little Baby Blakely until he made his appearance in the world. Now, this has become a gathering place for all of our various adventures as we continue to enjoy time as a growing family.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Today, I became THAT dad
Well, it has happened already. You might rightly wonder what it is that has happened. Allow me to paint a picture to illustrate the event:
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
13 Weeks
The night we went to the Lion King (February 22nd) was the 13 week mark! This picture of the BB bump was taken the day after! I can't believe how big the bump is getting already. Sorry for the not so great quality. The picture was taken with Josh's iPad.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
BB's Big Night Out

As Lyndsie mentioned in an earlier post, for Christmas she pre-planned a date for every month this year. The awesome thing about this little gift is that it allows us to continue to do fun things AND they have already been paid for. How thoughtful!
Our date for February was to go see the Lion King on Broadway (in Richmond) at the Landmark Theater. I was pretty excited about the trip as I've heard multiple times about the amazing costumes and staging. Although I had heard about these amazing things, seeing them in person was something else entirely. It was nothing short of astounding. I audibly gasped at several scenes because of the sheer awesomeness that was the costuming.
My baby has hands!

This week we returned to the doctor for a check-up. BB's mom has been having sinus issues so she hasn't been feeling well. We were hoping the doctor would be able to give her some stronger medicine to knock out the sinus issues and prevent further sickness while making sure BB was still doing well.
The doctor's office was not very crowded which was very exciting. There's nothing worse than feeling like you are being rushed through when you have important medical questions. The doctor immediately decided that Mommy needed an antibiotic for the sinus infection and impending ear infection. Fortunately, it turns out pregnant women can take certain antibiotics without issue so we excitedly snatched up the offer of a prescription. Now on to the good part: baby talk!
9 Weeks Tomorrow!
Josh has already written an entry about our second doctor’s appointment, but I wanted to make sure I recorded my reactions as well for later reflection. Wow! What an amazing appointment.
A little check-up for BB
This week was the fated first (technically 2nd) doctor's appointment after finding out that BB would be coming into our lives. I don't know about Mama but I was definitely nervous. Although we had confirmed the pregnancy a few times, I was terrified that the doctor would tell us we were crazy. It turns out we may be a little nutty but we're also still pregnant.
7 Weeks and 3 Days
Today I am 7 weeks and 3 days pregnant! Sorry it has been a while since I wrote!
BB's First Family Photo
Note: This is the second post about the family photo extravaganza. Lucky you, you get to hear about it from multiple perspectives!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Merry Christmas, Baby Blakely!
Well in the worry of my car being on the fritz, Josh and I decided it best to try to figure out some new options. Since we can both walk to work, we really only need one car between the two of us. The plan when we got married was to only have one car. However, 6 months before our wedding I was the victim of a hit and run which totaled my car. There was no good solution to me needing a car for my last 6 months in Durham other than buying a new one. I had always wanted a hybrid and found a used Honda Civic Hybrid within my price point. I paid in full for it, and must admit I am sad to see it go. What a great little car. I was averaging around 45 miles per gallon with Sid the Civic! It was the perfect option for us to take on smaller trips to Richmond and Lynchburg rather than wasting the gas in the Jeep if we didn’t need the extra room that the Jeep provided.
May I introduce to you: Baby Blakely!
On Tuesday, December 20th, 2011, I woke up at 7am, thirty minutes before my alarm was set to wake me up to get ready for work. Josh had woken up in the middle of the night with a horrible stomachache and decided to sleep on the couch in the living room so he wouldn’t wake me up throughout the night. I quietly went into the bathroom hoping I wouldn’t wake him since I knew he hadn’t gotten much sleep. I pulled out the pregnancy test and followed the directions. In a matter of a couple minutes, a faint blue line appeared in the “pregnant” spot! Was it really there? Had my eyes just not fully adjusted yet? A smile spread across my face. I walked into the living room holding the test and sat down next to Josh on the couch. I kissed his forehead as he slowly woke up and I said, “Mister, I think we might be pregnant.” He instantly smiled and said “What? Really? Really?” and looked at the test. It was hard to believe, and since it was just a faint line, we didn’t want to get our hopes up too much. Since Josh didn’t have work, I asked him to pick up another test so we could confirm later.
Staying up to date!
Hi Family & Friends!
Josh and I are creating this blog to keep you up to date on all things Baby Blakely (BB). Since we do not have any family living in Farmville, this will be a way for us to share stories and pictures along the way! We have been writing ever since we found out about BB, but obviously we did not want to publish this blog until the news was made public. So, enjoy reading all our past entires as we publish them until we make it to present day news! We look forward to sharing this journey with each of you.
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