About our blog

This blog began as an attempt to keep our family and friends included in the adventures of little Baby Blakely until he made his appearance in the world. Now, this has become a gathering place for all of our various adventures as we continue to enjoy time as a growing family.

Monday, November 3, 2014

60 Day Challenge Results!!

The day has come, folks!  My 60 day challenge that I wrote about several weeks ago (you can read about it here) has come to an end.

My goal for the challenge was to lose 15 pounds.  My results?

14.8 pounds lost!
11 inches lost!

This challenge was just what I needed to get moving toward a healthier life.  Nicole is a great coach, offering tips, encouragement and answering questions along the way.  Between the accountability to my coach and challenge group, and the accountability to you all after making my journey public, I have found a fitness journey that works for me!

I am so glad I took before and after pictures.  While I feel different and my clothes are fitting much differently, it's not always as easy to see the day to day difference in the mirror.  Having those pictures has been essential to keeping me motivated, especially on particularly difficult weeks.  But most of all, I just plain feel better, and that is what I am most happy about after this challenge.  So, here are my picture results from day 1, day 30 and day 60 of my PiYo challenge.

Thank you to all of you who have been so supportive of my journey, encouraging me every step of the way.  You are a huge part of why I was able to achieve the results I have so far.  While my 60 day challenge has come to an end, my overall journey is just beginning.  My next goal is to lose another 15 pounds and to continue my clean eating plan and working out 6 days a week!  Hold me accountable, friends!  I need your help to stay motivated.  Let's get to work!