About our blog

This blog began as an attempt to keep our family and friends included in the adventures of little Baby Blakely until he made his appearance in the world. Now, this has become a gathering place for all of our various adventures as we continue to enjoy time as a growing family.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Mom and Bob?

Lyndsie's post last night has prompted me to write one of my own. We have been saying for a while now that we need to write some posts but time gets away from us. By the time we finally get a minute to breathe at nights where we could write a post, all we want to do is zone out in front of the tv. So, this is long overdue but I guess better late than never.

In addition to all of the tricks Lyndsie referenced in her post (waving, clapping, etc.) Noah has begun to speak some words with serious authority. He's been babbling "mamamamamama" for some time but now he looks up at Lyndsie and distinctly says, "MAM." He gets the consonant on both ends of the word now and puts some force behind the word. Honestly, he sounds like he's from the Jersey Shore with some weird accent that he didn't get from us.

Since Noah began speaking, he's always called me "babababa."  We're pretty sure this is because just about every time I see him, I say, "hey bubba" or some other variation (bop, bub, baby burrito, anything that begins with a b). It's become something of an endearing term that he uses with me (and everything/body that isn't MAM).

Like I said though, he's figuring out how consonants can go on both ends of the word and not just the beginning. This week, I stopped being "babababa" and became "BOB." Yup, my son has renamed me and it's way less cute than MAM.

We covet your prayers and positive thoughts about Noah's tube surgery tomorrow. Everyone says it is easy, quick, and painless, but of course we're on edge. We'll post updates when we can.

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