About our blog

This blog began as an attempt to keep our family and friends included in the adventures of little Baby Blakely until he made his appearance in the world. Now, this has become a gathering place for all of our various adventures as we continue to enjoy time as a growing family.

Friday, November 30, 2012

There's nothing worse...

Greetings dedicated blog readers. It's been a while and I feel like we've neglected you all out there so I wanted to take a minute to update you on the happenings of the little one.

We just had a pretty big holiday here in the USA (I'm really hoping there's some international readers out there) called Thanksgiving. For our Thanksgiving, we packed up the family and headed to the great white north called Boston to see Uncle Chad and Aunt Anna.

Now, if you have ever flown on a commercial airline, you have probably uttered the words, "There's nothing worse than a screaming baby on a plane." I know I am guilty of saying something to this effect as I'm trying to leisurely read my fiction novel and ignore the world around me. Well, ladies and gentlemen, what is worse than having a screaming baby on a plane is being responsible for a screaming baby on a plane.

Let me begin by saying that, overall, Noah was just fine on the flights. We had a total of 4 flights to get us to Boston and back and he really only cried at the predictable times. Try as we might, we could not get feeding to match up with take off or landing. We came darn close but in the end it just wasn't meant to be. As a result, little Noah didn't have the benefit of feeding to help ease the pressure in his ears. The pacifier helped some but there was still some screaming involved.

If you've never been responsible for a baby in full out, hissy fit, scream fest mode, you have no idea the stress such a small person can impose on you. You're trying frantically to do anything to get them to calm down, they're getting upset about being upset, and everyone in the vicinity is shooting you judging looks. Oh, and you inevitably are covered in some sort of bodily fluid.

That was one of the unexpected side effects of air travel on little Noah, the sheer volume of spit up that it produced. Apparently, Noah doesn't care for the bouncing around that comes with hurtling through the air and he expressed his displeasure by christening us many times over. He also expressed his frustration at the airline seat, several floor tiles in the Richmond airport, the car seat, and virtually every piece of clothing mommy was wearing.

Despite the stress of travel, the trip was a huge success. We got to see great family who love us very much. We got to eat delicious (mostly fried) food and see some new things in the city. And we got some very much needed relaxation time. Overall, we'll mark the whole thing in the win column.

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