Early on in the pregnancy process, the Mrs. and I were so excited to be pregnant but were unable to share it with anyone. We had decided to not share with others that we were pregnant until closer to the 12th week in an attempt to get out of the high-risk time. All of our nervous excitement had to go somewhere, though, so we found ourselves sneaking into a bookstore to buy a book about our new condition. Since Lynds and I are both something of bibliophiles, we decided to limit ourselves and only buy one book to read each. Lyndsie, of course, settled on the classic, “What To Expect When You’re Expecting.” I went for a less conventional choice with, “Dude, You’re Gonna Be A Dad!”
With section titles like, “I saw the sign and it opened up her cervix”, it took me less than a week to read it cover to cover. Somewhere in there, and the direct quote escapes me, the author, John Pfeiffer, talks about fathers-to-be coming to terms with their own mortality. It seems the impending arrival of the next generation has a tendency to make fathers think about the fact that they are getting older themselves. Add onto this the fact that I’ve inadvertently picked up three or four fiction books recently that deal with the theme of death and I’ve been in for some serious introspection.