Wow! Our little sponge is really soaking up everything around him! Our almost 14 month old is practically running anywhere he can get to, and climbing on EVERYTHING! His verbal skills have skyrocketed as well. He babbles pretty much non-stop, but can say several words now: hi, bye, ball, momma, dada, daddy, bath, up, duck. Noah LOVES bath time. As soon as he hears the water filling the tub he runs through the house to the bathroom exclaiming, "BATH, BATH, BATH". He sleeps with his
ducky every night and whenever he sees it he says, "Duck!" He loves to color with crayons and gets upset when it's time to put them away. He's really great at picking out the circle shape from his shape sorter and putting it in the right slot...we are still working on the other shapes, but he's starting to figure them out. N has started to learn some sign language, too! So far he knows the signs for "more" and "milk". "More" has proven very beneficial because while he is eating he can simply sign "more" to us when he is ready rather than whining or crying to get what he wants. It has really seemed to give him a good outlet for words he hasn't mastered verbally yet. We are working on the sign for "please" now. Noah's latest trick is blowing kisses! It's pretty much the cutest thing ever. He is growing up so quickly!
Later this week we are off to our first big family vacation...DISNEY WORLD! We can't wait. Other than visiting family, we have not taken a vacation since well before N was born. Our friends are getting married in Tampa on Saturday so we decided to make it into a week vacation in Florida. Chad and Anna, my brother and sister-in-law, are joining us in Disney for the first part of the week, and our friend Jen is coming for the wedding also and going to come to Disney afterward for the rest of the week with us! So fun!!! We can't wait to share pictures and stories from Disney with you all.
And before you ask, NO, we are not ready to have another kid yet! :)
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First time swinging! |
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